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I'm married to my best friend, who happens to be a police officer and an amazing Handy Man, and together we have adopted 3 beautiful girls out of Foster Care. I'm enjoying the path God has sent us down. It's an extraordinary path of Infertility, Foster Care and Adoption. It hasn't always been easy, but at each milestone we look back and know it has always been worth it!
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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Thanksgiving 2013

Today was a bitter sweet day for me. Todd had to work, but was home in time for dinner. I got up before the kids and started the cooking and baking, during which I had a total break down. I missed my dad so much this morning it literally made my body ache. I was able to have a few minutes to myself before bringing the kiddies downstairs.

Doughnuts for breakfast (thanks to Papa John!):


Of course, they have an uncanny way of putting a smile on my face! I made it through nap time and then mom and John came over. It was fun to hang out with them and nice to have some help entertaining the kiddies, who were wild with excitement! 

Hannah helping me make homemade stuffing:

Abigail helping me make the sweet potatoes:

Hannah made dinner rolls in the shape of pumpkins:

Todd made it home for dinner (which was wonderful!!!). I was so glad to have him home! It's not the same when you're missing your best friend! 

Our little turkey, Hannah, who loves to eat the leg:

I laid art paper out on the table this year. Mom helped the girls draw turkey handprint place settings and we all wrote what we were thankful for! 

After dinner our Elves arrived with new pajamas for the girls. Of course, they had to put then on right away and watch a Christmas movie! 

It was a memorable Thanksgiving for sure! Probably one of my favorites so far... other than Todd working! 

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