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I'm married to my best friend, who happens to be a police officer and an amazing Handy Man, and together we have adopted 3 beautiful girls out of Foster Care. I'm enjoying the path God has sent us down. It's an extraordinary path of Infertility, Foster Care and Adoption. It hasn't always been easy, but at each milestone we look back and know it has always been worth it!
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Monday, February 13, 2012

New Year 2012

So, I'm a "little" behind on my posts! Last month was a crazy around here.... good, but crazy!
So, here come my catch up posts!

New Years was spent with family. We went to St. Augustine, the beach and home to stay up and watch the ball drop. It was a wonderful, sunny day celebrating new beginnings!

JohnDaniel, Caleb and Hannah

Aunt Barbie, John Daniel, Aunt Patti and Caleb
Lunch in St. Augustine

Hannah and Aunt Barbie watching the cannon demonstration at The Fort.

Mommy and Abigail

Katie Grace and Jonathan

Daddy's Girl
