Aunt Barbie watched the girls for the evening so Todd and I could go on a date. We hadn't been out since July. We have been so cautious to make sure the girls were well attached and understood that they will always come back home if they go off somewhere. We really have felt that it was wise to sacrifice some "us time" for the sale of them feeling secure. It was well worth the wait and we feel that both girls are fine with being left. Hannah has done great with this. She goes off with cousins, Nana and Papa and Aunt Barbie all the time. She has spent the night at Aunt Barbie's house several times an has done great. I course it helps that all of these people spoil the mess out of her! She deserves it though and what is childhood without some spoiling?
Anyway, here is Todd on our date night to Longhorn.


Cuddling by the fire with daddy:

- Posted using BlogPress from Cilla's iPhone
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