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I'm married to my best friend, who happens to be a police officer and an amazing Handy Man, and together we have adopted 3 beautiful girls out of Foster Care. I'm enjoying the path God has sent us down. It's an extraordinary path of Infertility, Foster Care and Adoption. It hasn't always been easy, but at each milestone we look back and know it has always been worth it!
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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Grammy Comes To Visit

My mom came home for a weekend visit after recently moving to Destin. 
Of course this meant we had to invite the cousins to come over and spend the night with all of us! 
It was a wonderful weekend filled with playing, coloring, squirt gun fights and the pumpkin patch!

Silas, Grammy, Hannah

Katie Grace and Grammy

Squirt Gun Fight

Early Morning Cartoons
Katie Grace and Nolan,
Hannah, Grammy and Silas

Saturday morning breakfast


More, please!

Sprinkle Pancakes and Sprinkle Yogurt

Grammy and (Squinty Face) Hannah

Mommy, Grammy, Uncle Ray
Katie Grace, Hannah. Silas, Nolan

Cutie Patootie

Run, Hannah, Run

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