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I'm married to my best friend, who happens to be a police officer and an amazing Handy Man, and together we have adopted 3 beautiful girls out of Foster Care. I'm enjoying the path God has sent us down. It's an extraordinary path of Infertility, Foster Care and Adoption. It hasn't always been easy, but at each milestone we look back and know it has always been worth it!
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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Good Witch Tea Party

After a little inspiration from one of my favorite blogs, Tatertots & Jello, I decided to throw Hannah a Good Witches Tea Party. I am so thankful to have such a special little girl to get to spoil like this! She has been excited for weeks leading up to this party. She helped me decorate the table, make the food and fill the goody bags for her friends.
Please excuse the billion pics in this post, but they were all so cute, I couldn't leave any out! :) 

Mommy's Big Helper

Welcoming her friends and giving them a witch hat.

decorating cupcakes while we wait on everyone to arrive. 


Time to make their own plates like big girls.

Lunch included sand-witches, fruit, popcorn and melted witches. 

Rubbing their magic wands on the tea pot!
I read Room On The Broom
The girls played Witch Pitch (throwing candy corn into little caldrons)

Then it was time to make some Witch Brew.
Ziggity, Zaggety, ZOOM.....

Magic Witch Brew

Katie Grace helps herself to Hudson's Paci.

Hannah lead the way on a magic broom ride. 

The Good Witches

Hannah giving her friends goody bags and
saying Thank You for coming. 

After the last witch left, Hannah KONKED OUT on the couch!
She was so exhausted from such a fun day!

Mommy and Hannah

Katie Grace

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Have A Coke

Katie Grace found my stash of Vanilla Coke!

{Wanna Coke, Mom?}


{OK! I'll drink it!}

- Posted using BlogPress from Cilla's iPhone

Saturday, October 22, 2011

{Weekly Snapshots}

Trying out the new cupcake store at the Town Center.
Katie Grace, Annabelle, Hannah

Katie Grace loves Cousin Mason

I thought this was an exceptional ballerina that Hannah drew! 

Hannah was so excited that Katie Grace is finally big enough to sit in the "big girl cart" at Target...
until she realized Katie Grace was within reach of grabbing her drink! :)

FINALLY enough hair for a little sprout!
If her bow falls out, Hannah says " Mommy, wear is Gracie's sprout?"!

Late night ice cream outing! 

My little girl is in kevlar! :)

LOVE those little cheeks!

Katie Grace Is Toddling

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Buddies In The Making

My bestie's little boy, Hudson, is just a couple months younger than Katie Grace. 
Mandy and I have already decided they will be best buds and get married! 
When they do, these pictures will definitely make the reception slideshow 


OR rivals?


Go Noles!

Simply Adorable

I'm Gonna Get Ya!

Seriously? Could She Be Any Cuter?