Hannah is really loving school! She jumps out of the car without looking back! I walked her in her first full day (Tuesday).

She found the Froggy with her name on it right away (we've been working on recognizing her name this summer). When they first get to class they have to put their Froggy in the pond. If they et in trouble, they have to put their Froggy back on the log.

Later that afternoon we went to get an Icee to celebrate her first full day at school!

I miss Hannah while she's at school, but am thoroughly enjoying some quality time with Katie Grace-Smiley-Face!

She is crawling around and pulling up on everything. I really feel like she will be walking soon. She is a little bundle of energy and smiles.
At 9 months she responds to her name, understands what No-No means, says Da-Da, gives kisses, and signs "more" and "all done". She has two pearly-whites popping through her bottom gums and LOVES to eat off mommies plate. Her all-time favorite is pizza crust. There will be consequences if you try to take it from her!

- Posted using BlogPress from Cilla's iPhone